Can I use that word to describe how I am now?, I know I should brainstorm again come with good ideas for that essay, but I really don't know how to change or maybe I'm just wasting time thinking that I can't but in fact I can. Today was quite weird, when I asked Merianne can I come next month to the writing centre? she said sure but I won't be here, I'll go to Montreal. Don't know  why after she said that, I was kinda sad because I thought that I wanted to keep in contact with her, I felt that I wanted to meet her more constantly. Sometimes, I feel that I would really like think of a new topic!at life will give me more time to stay with some people , when I feel like this, it means that I wanted to become friends with these people. Don't know if I chose the topic that doesn't suit me but now feel that it's hard, think again and see if you can make it, it's not impossible, remember it's you the one that makes it impossible so make it possible :)

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On friday, we were giving congrats to Richard at class because he passed the LET, then teacher came and ask what happened that everybody was laughing, then Richard told her he passed the LET, teacher said wow, and then what?, he replied he passed the LET, now he can go to UT program, but then Alex asked and then what?, and then I remembered that story that I read, now is impossible for me to remember where I read that and just remembered 50% of it. It says there was a man lying on the ground, let's say that he was man A, then another man came man B, he asked man A do u want to come fishing with me?, man A replied fishing for what?, man B answered to catch fish and then sell it, man A asked again sell them for what?, man B replied sell them to buy a big house, man A asked big house for what? man B replied big house to rest, man A replied well that's what I'm doing now taking a rest.
For me, everybody is Man B, not everybody asks themselves like man A but what is the real purpose that I'm doing this, we don't know we just do it because everybody is doing it. I think that Man A is a man without worries, because he doesn't what is unworthy because he knows that working, struggling until tired, but the goal is something that you already have, so for him is meaningless.

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Suddenly feel that writing is REALLY difficult for me! I feel that I look like a mediocre to the teacher when she gave me back the feedback saying " more effort please". OMO I don't know maybe I should brainstorm, OK, have in mind, DO IT OR NOTHING, because this is just the START, I will have to get adapted to it , like it or not, I think that this gonna take me a lot of time and effort to improve, but I believe that one day, I will feel that writing it will make me relaxed instead of stressed. In addition, this week we are with the research of maya culture for the poster, my team is richard, tracy and me . I think we work well together and the three of us are doing our best so gotta work hard.

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每一次,如果想到这一点,我都会提醒自己或者对自己说为什么没有把你想做的事情去做,借口大多时都是没时间,这不是借口。 因为想做,不管你这么忙,你都会想办法去做。我想说的是,刚才又看到朋友写了,“我否认相信自己,有时候不是我想这样做,这只是一种逃避现实的方式,我觉得我还会继续逃避,有一天我会站起来,面对但是现在不是。。。” 对于这个朋友,真的想跟他说,如果自己心里有答案,知道怎样做,就不应该浪费时间应该去做,因为我们不知道有没有明天,或者有没有机会,比起逃避,后悔更可怕,所以去做吧。

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Yes we did nothing more than eating at holidays. Friday night @ all you can eat I ate too much, even though viki says that's not much, i kept eating salmon with viki's dad. Saturday we went to eat @ a chinese restaurant with luisa wen and wong, we had like 7 dishes, we also had leftovers.Yesterday we went to night market, even though I didn't spend too much just 6 dollars, erwing and viki spent more than 60, maybe I didn't want to make those huge lines, I was too lazy. Today we did BBQ at viki's house, delicious!!! what a delicious weekend!!!!!!!! :)))

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Homework in holidays, yes for next week we have a lot of homework to do. Yesterday night we went to all you can eat, and we ate a lot, I was really full!!!. H for happiness 'cause I want to forget all those bad moments, I don't remember exactly yci called me but she told me that kevin saw caro in panama, omg she lied to me, or maybe she came back to panama for holidays, don't know but I think lying is worst than not telling, if she was mad at me because I didn't tell her about my plans, but she is being so ackward, she is lying to me, anyway I don't care now whether she is or not. Yci was crying I told her to face the reality, I know it's hard but will you stop on your way just because someone treated you bad and you stop for crying, hoping her to treat you better, well some people will, some people won't well I think caro won't make a change until she finds what's really wrong. This make me remember about grey's anatomy when meredith said lying is a necessity. Well maybe lying is a necessity for her, maybe she thinks that we are not deserved to be trust. I just know that the earth won't stop moving just because of us, and I won't stop walking on my way just because of people like her. I'm happy now and hope that she is happy the way she is.If someone is not happy he or she will realized that they need a change. I just know that I will continue doing my best. LEAP 5 seems hard, so 加油!.

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Starting next Monday, I will be at the LEAP program, I was placed in the Level 5 of 8. This means that starting next week it will be hard study. I have to get on mind that if my english is not good enough to study for the other courses I wont have good grades, so that means that I should improve english, should start getting my mind in ENGLISH. Dont know why today I got that strange feeling at the movies, today we watched Green lantner, it came to my mind this phrase someday we will die , everybody will ,so we gotta make what we really like in this life, we should live happily, we shouldnt waste any time on blaming others, blaming yourself, being angry or just wasting it on fears, we should find our inspiration, the taste that will make your life delicious, haha what a way of description, ok I mean a way that makes you feel you're living and you are enjoying it, so I dont think I have to waste time searching for it, because I'm making it, I am in my road to the science career, no matter where this will take me too, but I'm sure that in this path I will learn a lot and after I finish with my knowledge I am sure that will have the ability to help others. Well this is a good song from Yen-j it's called thanks for your inspiration.

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Heard it at viki's home, uncle told me that it was good it was relaxing I liked it.:)

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